What is the Serenity Club of St.Augustine Inc.

The Serenity Club of St Augustine Inc. is a business, which was formed in February 1983. Its objective is to act as the agent and caretaker of a building and/or property, as well as the related financial assets, “…for the purpose of holding or allowing to be held, meetings and/or fellowship devoted to people faced with an alcoholic and/or other drug problem…” (Articles of Incorporation, Article I). The Serenity Club of St Augustine Inc., is not a recovery program or fellowship. It is simply a business which provides a service and location for these type fellowships to facilitate their meetings and events. The Serenity Club would like to clarify that it is not affiliated with AA, NA or any other 12 Step Groups. It does, however, provide its “service” to more than ten separate 12 Step Groups. The Club is essentially the “landlord” to the Groups which are the tenants.

Any persons, over 18 years of age, desiring to take part in the objectives of this business may become a Member of the Serenity Club. These persons will become an Active Member upon receipt, by a Board Member, of their application and dues. After being an Active Member for 3 months these persons will become a Voting Member at which time, they will have the right to vote in any matters coming before the entire Membership. These memberships are granted and allowed to continue, at the discretion of the Board of Directors per our By-Laws (Article I) and the Florida State “Not for Profit Corporations Act” (Chapter 617, F.S revision 08/2013). The Serenity Club is primarily operated by five Officers, and monitored by three Trustees, elected, at an annual meeting, by and from the Voting Membership. These eight individuals constitute the Board of Directors. Their duties and responsibilities are governed by our By-Laws. Those Members on the Board of Directors receive no financial compensation for their service on the Board of Directors

Board of Directors
President- Richard Hamm
Vice President- Riva Saker
Treasurer- Mary Beth Bodor
Secretary- Nicholas
Facilities Director- open position
Trustee- Larry Geis
Trustee- Paula Sullivan
Trustee- Lawrence A. Wathen Jr.